Thursday, November 25, 2010

London Town

I created a new blog. Yes i know. You would be cursing me under your breath. Oh very well!
I forgot my password to the old one. But hey, so much has changed since, that maybe just maybe this "creating a new blog" phase is quite apt, right?

I am currently sitting in my dorm room, covered in layers of clothing (scarf and what not) sitting like a penguin (i do not know if penguins do sit, but nevertheless), armed with a cup of hot tea(English Tea- This is called culture immersion, like they say "When in England, you do as the English do) ready take on the world. No, not really. I am actually quite scared to go outside. Its freezing. Apparently, fews days before SNOW-TIME, the temperature is suppose to be sub-zero.
And for your information Ladies and Gentlemen, the season of winter has not even started, thankyouverymuch. But never mind about the weather really, I am quite looking forward to the English snow! Snowfights-Snowman-and Snow Angel.
Though, I am termed as "MAD,CRAZY,WEIRDO" by my English friends here who seem to think that playing in the snow is a very moronic thing to do. Oh well.

I have done so many things since i have been here. And let me tell you many of those has been my first. But i will blog about those experiences in detail in the later posts.
I promise, really.

Christmas Spirit is in the AIR! With the oxford street all lighted up and the ice skating rink near my school opened and with shops like Marks and Spencers having Xmas gift sales. Yes, you may think it is a tad bit too early for Christmas Shopping but hey in London everything comes extra early!
I am going to go caroling with my Gospel Choir! All my friends are in it too! Its going to be so fun standing in the town hall singing the cold(may i add). But this time, is going to be the first time i will see white christmas. And yes i am looking forward to it very much.

I better head off to do work now. Its 6.45pm here. And the dark sky is illuminated by a full moon. Ah, the beauty. But i cannot afford to get mesmerized by the beauty of the moon now, especially now that i have tonnes of lectures to catch up on!

So, blog very soon
Cheers everybody
The princess marches on!